White Pointer Sharks :Killer Whales Do exist

White Pointer Sharks known as Killer whales or Bull Shark are one of the largest mamals on the planet. Today itself there was a news from Tasmania where Bull Shark or White Pointer Shark attacked Thirteen-year-old Hannah Mighall.

"The wounds are not that particularly severe, whereas if a white shark was really having a go at you, it would certainly take your leg off quite easily," Dr John Stevens said.

CSIRO shark biologist Dr John Stevens also said the attack was probably more exploratory then predatory.

The girl's father says she has had surgery to repair muscle and nerve damage, but she is expected to make a full recovery.

Australia's summer of shark terror began Dec. 27 when local banker Brian Guest went missing while snorkling off a beach south of Perth in Western Australia. A search located a few tattered pieces of wetsuit belonging to the 51-year-old. Authorities concluded he had been killed by a large white pointer shark spotted near the beach.


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