Selling Virginity : Natalie Dylan auctioning Virginity

Natalie Dylan a 22 Year old student is auctioning her virginity on Ebay. Natalie Dylan says that she needs money for her tutions and studies.
Imagine this news being one of the most searched terms on Google after it aired on CNN. The bidding is continuing till the girl gets the best bidder and $3.7 Million is a huge amount, it can help me in having a huge bunglow , I can do lots and lots of stuff with $3.7 million. 

Well the infamous Bunny Ranch in Nevada is handling the auction and according to CNN , the girl has got more than 10,000 proposals and the highest offer stands at $3.7 million. Only Nevada is a place in US Union where prostitution is allowed so the girl is selling her virginity here. 

Natalie Dylan has been talking about her need for college tuition and felt this was the best way to accomplish it. She’s appeared on the Howard Stern show and had numerous other media interviews. Here's the Video that aired on CNN. 


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