‘Misunderestimate’ tops list of Bushisms

The Words Misunderestimate , Bushism, bushisms, misunderestimated, bushism, misunderestimated me, protectionism are the terms that will be rememebered for long times.

George W Bush will step down as US President in a few days but his unique linguistic constructions, Bushisms as they are popularly dubbed, will go down in history as something which the world liked and laughed at.

"Misunderestimate", "Mission Accomplished", "Brownie, you've done a heck of a job!" "I'm the decider", and "I use the Google" top the all-time Bushisms' list released by the Global Language Monitor (GLM).

The era of Bushisms is now coming to an end, and word watchers worldwide will have a hard time substituting Barack Obama's precise intonations and eloquence for W's unique linguistic constructions, said Paul J J Payack, president and chief word analyst of the GLM.

The biggest linguistic faux pas of the Obama era thus far involves the use of the reflexive pronoun "myself". This is a refreshing shift from the Bush years, Payack said.

(CNN) — Of the many things for which President Bush will be remembered, his language mistakes, faux pas, and “unique” terminology may rank near the top.
Now, less than two weeks before Bush leaves office, a group of language monitors in his home state of Texas has compiled a list of the top 15 “Bushisms” — words and phrases coined by “the decider” himself in his two terms in the White House.
“The era of Bushisms is now coming to an end, and word watchers worldwide will have a hard time substituting (President-elect) Barack Obama’s precise intonations and eloquence for W’s unique linguistic constructions,” said Paul JJ Payack, president and chief word analyst of the Global Language Monitor. “The biggest linguistic faux pas of the Obama era thus far involves the use of the reflexive pronoun ‘myself.’ This is a refreshing shift from the Bush years.


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